
SDL VNC client library

(c) A. Schiffler, 2004, licensed under the LGPL





The SDL_vnc library was created to offer a VNC client system that:
- is LGPL licensed and can be used in commercial applications
- integrates with SDL (framebuffer is a SDL surface)
- IO and processing runs as a thread, so it does not interfere 
  with a traditional "game loop"

Supported Platforms

The library compiles and is tested on a Linux target with a
TightVNC server running on windows.

Installation and Test

To compile the library your need the SDL 1.2 installed from source or 
installed with the 'devel' RPM package. For example on Mandrake, run:
	urpmi libSDL1.2-devel

The run
	./	(optional)
	make install

to compile and install the library. The default location for the 
installation is /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include. The libary 
path /usr/local/lib might need to be added to the file
Then run ldconfig again.

API and Usage

int vncConnect(tSDL_vnc *vnc, char *host, int port, char *mode, char *password, int framerate);

  Connect to VNC server 

   vnc  = pointer to tSDL_vnc structure
   host = hostname or hostip
   port = port
   mode = submode,submode,...
    submode =	raw | 
    		copyrect | 
    		rre | 
    		corre(broken) |
    		hextile | 
    		zrle(unimplemented) | 
    		cursor | 
   password = text
   framerate = 1 to 100

   - Returns 1 if connection was established, 0 otherwise.
   - This call will establish a connection to the VNC server requesting a 32bit transfer.
   - framerate is the rate in which update requests are send to the server.

int vncBlitFramebuffer(tSDL_vnc *vnc, SDL_Surface *target, SDL_Rect *urec);

 Blit current framebuffer to target

  vnc = pointer to tSDL_vnc structure
  target = target surface to blit framebuffer to
  urec = pointer to SDL_Rect structure to receive updated area, can be NULL

   - Returns 1 if the blit occured, 0 otherwise.
   - Only blits if framebuffer exists and was updated. 
   - Updated region is stored in urec if it is not NULL.
   - Framebuffer is a RGB surface.

int vncBlitCursor(tSDL_vnc *vnc, SDL_Surface *target, SDL_Rect *trec);

  Blit current cursor to target

   vnc = pointer to tSDL_vnc structure
   target = target surface to blit cursoe to
   trec = pointer to SDL_Rect structure to receive updated area, can be NULL
   - Returns 1 if blit occured, 0 otherwise 
   - Blitting is at the trec position.
   - Cursor image is a 32x32 RGBA image (with A set).

SDL_Rect vncCursorHotspot(tSDL_vnc *vnc);

  Return cursor hotspot location

   vnc = pointer to tSDL_vnc structure

   - In the returned parameter, only .x and .y are used.

int vncClientKeyevent(tSDL_vnc *vnc, unsigned char downflag, unsigned int key);
int vncClientPointerevent(tSDL_vnc *vnc, unsigned char buttonmask, unsigned short x, unsigned short y);

  Send keyboard and pointer events to server

   vnc = pointer to tSDL_vnc structure
   downflag = 1 for key is down, 0 for key is up
   key = VNC keycode (basically X11/keysymdef.h plus some special codes)
   buttonmask = VNC mousebutton bitmask 1=left, 2-=middle, 4=right, 8/16=wheel
   x,y = mouse position

   - The client is responsible for key-code conversions into the VNC format.

void vncDisconnect(tSDL_vnc *vnc);

  Disconnect from vnc server

   vnc = pointer to tSDL_vnc structure

   - Closes socket connection and kills client thread. 

Test Program

Change to the ./Test directory and run
to creates a VNC client program. Run
	./TestVNC -help

Typically one connects to a VNC server like this:

	./TestVNC -server myserver -password mypass

Also see the source code TestVNC.c for sample code on how to 
create a simple VNC client.

Development and To-Do

One can edit the SDL_vnc.c code to enable extensive debugging by setting the
DEBUG flag.

- Add function to query server framebuffer size after connect.
- Fix CoRRE code
- Implement Desktop pseudoencoding
- Implement Bell (as callback)
- Implement ClientCutText
- Implement ZRLE protocol
- Implement tight protocol and options (zlib,tight,zlibhex)
  (Anyone hve the specs for this?)
- Improved speed and interactive response
  (Implement a threaded socket reader. Check all code for optimizations.)
  ('vncviewer' feels a lot faster and more interactive.)
- Create proper SDL_keysym --> VNC key conversion routine.
- Add local-cursor sample code to TestVNC program.


Thanks to 'AppWares Development Group' for supporting this project - please 
visit for more information.


* None so far. Want to be the first one ...??? Get coding!