I worked for AppWares Development Group as co-founder, principal software architect and developer from 2001-2005. The main product was a Desktop Notifier for direct-to-desktop communication solutions.
The company AppWares Development Group was focused initially on creating smart, direct-to-desktop client applications using the proprietary IMP engine which was in large parts written by me. A wide variety of “Notifiers” and content delivery applications were produced and deployed for mid-size to large companies during the operation of AppWares. In the later years the focus shifted to digital signage (ProjectZ), general specialized integration work (CLZ) and general webdevelopment, CR-ROM production and print design work (i.e. BGA, YouCenter, etc.).
Some of the original documentation on the Integrated Media Portal (IMP) product:
The server side package to run MyApp:
Some ideas we had:
A Screensaver made as teaser for a digital signage project:
The early stages of the IMP were still cross-platform and we had a Linux version (hardly runs these days because of the highly flexible nature of Linux shared libraries):
The later stages of development had a new product which dropped the graphics engine in favor of a pure-browser implementation. An early demo for the travel industry using the new code:
Some production IMPs – signed Windows installers (compatible with Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP) – that were made by Appwares. Most of IMPs will not receive data since they are statically linked to now-defunct myApp server URLs. Some standalone IMPs: awclock, the_ball.
- acc_setup-1.0.41.exe
- adhd_setup-1.0.8.exe
- airdeals_setup-1.0.6.exe
- appwaresnotifier_setup-1.0.63.exe
- aristotle_setup-1.0.22.exe
- awclock_setup-1.0.33.exe
- braxton_setup-1.0.30.exe
- braxton_testgroup_setup-1.0.25.exe
- cmemail_cdrom_setup-1.0.7.exe
- cmemail_setup-1.0.66.exe
- companyx2_entertainment_setup-1.0.51.exe
- companyx2_generic_setup-1.0.60.exe
- companyx2_heb_setup-1.0.2.exe
- companyx2_medical_setup-1.0.51.exe
- companyx2_omd_setup-1.0.4.exe
- companyx2_sports_setup-1.0.51.exe
- companyxmedical_setup-1.0.61.exe
- companyxnotifier_setup-1.0.46.exe
- eBN_setup-1.0.5.exe
- ebn_setup-1.0.8.exe
- edwin_setup-1.0.23.exe
- fifa2002_setup-1.0.27.exe
- hebnotifier_setup-1.0.62.exe
- helipad_setup-1.0.11.exe
- ic4un_setup-1.0.19.exe
- index.html
- infolert_setup-1.0.50.exe
- jklink_setup-1.0.9.exe
- keppra_setup-1.0.2.exe
- keppra_setup-1.0.3.exe
- linuxnews_setup-1.0.10.exe
- loyaltybar2_setup-1.0.27.exe
- loyaltybare_setup-1.0.7.exe
- loyaltybark_setup-1.0.10.exe
- loyaltybarp_setup-1.0.3.exe
- loyaltybarr_setup-1.0.3.exe
- loyaltybars_setup-1.0.3.exe
- loyaltybart_setup-1.0.10.exe
- loyaltybartr_setup-1.0.4.exe
- mastercard_setup-1.0.16.exe
- maxxcom_setup-1.0.9.exe
- miraclenet_setup-1.0.6.exe
- networktester2_setup-1.0.31.exe
- newsbar_setup-1.0.38.exe
- oilervision_setup-1.0.14.exe
- oilervision_setup-1.0.17.exe
- olp_setup-1.0.38.exe
- pepsi_setup-1.0.11.exe
- pythonvideo_setup-1.0.7.exe
- rgmediabox_setup-1.0.25.exe
- rmin2_setup-1.0.10.exe
- rmin_setup-1.0.91.exe
- rminhk_setup-1.0.4.exe
- smcone_setup-1.0.5.exe
- smctwo_setup-1.0.7.exe
- theball_setup-1.0.3.exe
AppWares Data (AWD) File packager – bundles media files or complete websites adn encrypted archive for reception by IMPs:
Appwares GUI interface for building IMPs “Producer” (functional for layout, but only partially integrated with the latest IMP engine code):
I was part of a partnership with ConceptLabz (CLZ North) which was created to develop and market innovative software solutions for store design and architectural needs.
The website for CLZ was hosted on the AppWares server cluster (archived website here ). The CLZ work included CD-ROM productions, digital signage planning and implementation for Abercrombie and Fitch and other projects. The architecture and engineering partner was Jarmel Kizel Architects. As part of the innovative work accomplished was a custom notifier – the “JK Link” – created as social networking tool between the various offices of CLZ. It integrated a Blog, a Forum and a Wiki with notification and password protection in a small desktop application.
I’ve created the software running RSS|vp which is available at www.rssvp.com a virtual RSS publishing service software which allows content creators to manage RSS feeds better.
RSS|vp offers an on-demand publishing service for anyone who wants to create the hot new format everyone is talking about: RSS!
An article about RSS can be found here: RSSEmailAndBeyond.pdf and I’ve also made a few flyers for promoting the service.
CM-e-Lect was a website for a Continuing Medical Education system developed for Procom International using the Appwares IMP engine.
The CM-e-Lect system made use of all the capabilities of the desktop application developed for Appwares. The sophisticated application ran on the desktop and integrated with a website which is shown as archived version here. It delivered browser based multimedia training programs to pediatricians. Part of the CM-e-Lect contract included audio production, design, server maintenance, email campaign and a CD-ROM version of the program.
projectz.us was a website to promote the digital signage project, products and software developed in conjuction with CLZ.
The BGA show at AppWares and some of the CLZ projects spawned development for a digital signage player. I developed a Flash-based Linux distribution and scriptable digital signage player software that made use of OpenGL based hardware acceleration for video playback and geometric correction (see smplayer). The archived promotional website for the ProjectZ system can be found here – it includes a nice slideshow with voiceover by me demonstrating the softwtare capabilities (which included HD playback and dual projector overlay-calibration).